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We describe a Physics-Informed Neural Network (PINN) that simulates the flow induced by the astronomical tide in a synthetic port channel, with dimensions based on the Santos - S\~ao Vicente - Bertioga Estuarine System. PINN models aim to combine the knowledge of physical systems and data-driven machine learning models. This is done by training a neural network to minimize the residuals of the governing equations in sample points. In this work, our flow is governed by the Navier-Stokes equations with some approximations. There are two main novelties in this paper. First, we design our model to assume that the flow is periodic in time, which is not feasible in conventional simulation methods. Second, we evaluate the benefit of resampling the function evaluation points during training, which has a near zero computational cost and has been verified to improve the final model, especially for small batch sizes. Finally, we discuss some limitations of the approximations used in the Navier-Stokes equations regarding the modeling of turbulence and how it interacts with PINNs.
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Large language models (LLMs) have been shown to be able to perform new tasks based on a few demonstrations or natural language instructions. While these capabilities have led to widespread adoption, most LLMs are developed by resource-rich organizations and are frequently kept from the public. As a step towards democratizing this powerful technology, we present BLOOM, a 176B-parameter open-access language model designed and built thanks to a collaboration of hundreds of researchers. BLOOM is a decoder-only Transformer language model that was trained on the ROOTS corpus, a dataset comprising hundreds of sources in 46 natural and 13 programming languages (59 in total). We find that BLOOM achieves competitive performance on a wide variety of benchmarks, with stronger results after undergoing multitask prompted finetuning. To facilitate future research and applications using LLMs, we publicly release our models and code under the Responsible AI License.
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研究人员通常会采用数值方法来理解和预测海洋动力学,这是掌握环境现象的关键任务。在地形图很复杂,有关基础过程的知识不完整或应用程序至关重要的情况下,此类方法可能不适合。另一方面,如果观察到海洋动力学,则可以通过最近的机器学习方法来利用它们。在本文中,我们描述了一种数据驱动的方法,可以预测环境变量,例如巴西东南海岸的Santos-Sao Vicente-Bertioga estuarine系统的当前速度和海面高度。我们的模型通过连接最新的序列模型(LSTM和Transformers)以及关系模型(图神经网络)来利用时间和空间归纳偏见,以学习时间特征和空间特征,观察站点之间共享的关系。我们将结果与桑托斯运营预测系统(SOFS)进行比较。实验表明,我们的模型可以实现更好的结果,同时保持灵活性和很少的领域知识依赖性。
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人类机器人相互作用(HRI)对于在日常生活中广泛使用机器人至关重要。机器人最终将能够通过有效的社会互动来履行人类文明的各种职责。创建直接且易于理解的界面,以与机器人开始在个人工作区中扩散时与机器人互动至关重要。通常,与模拟机器人的交互显示在屏幕上。虚拟现实(VR)是一个更具吸引力的替代方法,它为视觉提示提供了更像现实世界中看到的线索。在这项研究中,我们介绍了Jubileo,这是一种机器人的动画面孔,并使用人类机器人社会互动领域的各种研究和应用开发工具。Jubileo Project不仅提供功能齐全的开源物理机器人。它还提供了一个全面的框架,可以通过VR接口进行操作,从而为HRI应用程序测试带来沉浸式环境,并明显更好地部署速度。
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巴西最高法院每学期收到数万案件。法院员工花费数千个小时来执行这些案件的初步分析和分类 - 这需要努力从案件管理工作流的后部,更复杂的阶段进行努力。在本文中,我们探讨了来自巴西最高法院的文件多模式分类。我们在6,510起诉讼(339,478页)的新型多模式数据集上训练和评估我们的方法,并用手动注释将每个页面分配给六个类之一。每个诉讼都是页面的有序序列,它们既可以作为图像存储,又是通过光学特征识别提取的相应文本。我们首先训练两个单峰分类器:图像上对Imagenet进行了预先训练的重新编织,并且图像上进行了微调,并且具有多个内核尺寸过滤器的卷积网络在文档文本上从SCRATCH进行了训练。我们将它们用作视觉和文本特征的提取器,然后通过我们提出的融合模块组合。我们的融合模块可以通过使用学习的嵌入来处理缺失的文本或视觉输入,以获取缺少数据。此外,我们尝试使用双向长期记忆(BILSTM)网络和线性链条件随机字段进行实验,以模拟页面的顺序性质。多模式方法的表现都优于文本分类器和视觉分类器,尤其是在利用页面的顺序性质时。
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深层生成模型已成为检测数据中任意异常的有前途的工具,并分配了手动标记的必要性。最近,自回旋变压器在医学成像中取得了最先进的性能。但是,这些模型仍然具有一些内在的弱点,例如需要将图像建模为1D序列,在采样过程中误差的积累以及与变压器相关的显着推理时间。去核扩散概率模型是一类非自动回旋生成模型,最近显示出可以在计算机视觉中产生出色的样品(超过生成的对抗网络),并实现与变压器具有竞争力同时具有快速推理时间的对数可能性。扩散模型可以应用于自动编码器学到的潜在表示,使其易于扩展,并适用于高维数据(例如医学图像)的出色候选者。在这里,我们提出了一种基于扩散模型的方法,以检测和分段脑成像中的异常。通过在健康数据上训练模型,然后探索其在马尔可夫链上的扩散和反向步骤,我们可以识别潜在空间中的异常区域,因此可以确定像素空间中的异常情况。我们的扩散模型与一系列具有2D CT和MRI数据的实验相比,具有竞争性能,涉及合成和实际病理病变,推理时间大大减少,从而使它们的用法在临床上可行。
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Advances in image processing and analysis as well as machine learning techniques have contributed to the use of biometric recognition systems in daily people tasks. These tasks range from simple access to mobile devices to tagging friends in photos shared on social networks and complex financial operations on self-service devices for banking transactions. In China, the use of these systems goes beyond personal use becoming a country's government policy with the objective of monitoring the behavior of its population. On July 05th 2021, the Brazilian government announced acquisition of a biometric recognition system to be used nationwide. In the opposite direction to China, Europe and some American cities have already started the discussion about the legality of using biometric systems in public places, even banning this practice in their territory. In order to open a deeper discussion about the risks and legality of using these systems, this work exposes the vulnerabilities of biometric recognition systems, focusing its efforts on the face modality. Furthermore, it shows how it is possible to fool a biometric system through a well-known presentation attack approach in the literature called morphing. Finally, a list of ten concerns was created to start the discussion about the security of citizen data and data privacy law in the Age of Artificial Intelligence (AI).
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